I won't stop the write here. Now , I have full of motivation to write here. Last saturday and sunday I had very good time. PS. Thank you Ieva for everything- By the way Ieva is my mentor (She is very perfect person.) And her mother is cooking very delishes :)
Yea, in December 25 , Saturday I went out home 9.30 am in the morning. I catched my bus. Wait wait. It's funny way. In near of my couch one girl - latvians are saying caca or something like that- she was like local parfume shop :) one bag and phone. I dont know but they moving their bags in their arm not in shoulder.
Yea she was like this

In time was 12.45 I was in Skrundas. There is 20 kilometers far away from Ievas sweet town. Ieva and her father took me Skrundas with car to Aizpute.
We came to Ievas home. We ate something :) After than we went out for little bit walk :) It was very nice place. Everywhere was snow :)

Yes and by the way alcohol is very cheap compare from Turkey :) We went to shop for buy something and I saw Smirnoff it was 11lat Approximately 27 Turkish liras maybe 30. It's 15 euros :)
Yea we bought waterpipe tobacco and coil too. We came to home and we smoked waterpipe. Of course dont forget about Ievas mother delishes food :)
In evening we went to birtday party for three people. It was very funny. Because began of the evening I was just checked out people. Maybe 7 minutes :) Because I don't know latvian language very well. And when Ieva presented me all the people started to talk with me English and Latvian languge. It was very funny to try to talk Latvian language. I was using my translator :) And I talked until 2 oclock from 8 pm :)
In other day we went to Liepaja with Ieva's family. Ieva and me we went to beach. I was imagining I will see sand :D. But all the beach was snow

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